Rachael McDonald
KLCCRachael McDonald is KLCC's All Things Considered host. She also reports on a variety of topics including local government, education, and breaking news. Rachael has a BA in English from the University of Oregon. She started out in public radio as a newsroom volunteer at KLCC in 2000. After reporting for the Northwest News Network and KAZU, Rachael returned to KLCC in 2007 as Morning Edition host and a general assignment reporter covering politics, the environment, education, and the arts. She was KLCC News Director from 2018- 2022.
The commercial Dungeness crab season is now underway for part of the Oregon coast. The timing is good for holiday meals.
Preseason testing has shown the crabs are too low on meat yield in some areas.
The Oregon Coast Trail is a roughly 400-mile route that follows the coastline from border to border. A plan to better connect pieces of the OCT has just been released.
Oregon State University is constructing a wave energy testing facility off the Oregon Coast. Weather permitting, some of that work will be visible from shore this month.
The whales regularly travel up and down the west coast in search of food.
Officials say this is the first finding of the highly pathogenic illness in wild birds in Oregon.
The documentary is about a lawsuit 21 young people filed against the federal government over climate change.
The American Red Cross and Bloodworks Northwest say there’s an unprecedented shortage of lifesaving blood in the region. Oregon’s senior U.S. Senator Ron Wyden is calling for a rule change to make more people eligible to give blood.
The troops arrive next week at Lane County hospitals.
The Omicron variant has not yet been detected in Oregon
Over the weekend, Oregon surpassed 300,000 confirmed and presumptive COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic, according to the Oregon Health...
Eugene 4J and Bethel School Districts have opted-in to a voluntary weekly testing program for COVID-19. It’s administered by the University of Oregon.