In a fundraising break during our Fall Fund Drive, JPR News Director Erik Neumann and I got to talking about the role JPR plays in mentoring and developing early-career journalists. Erik reminded me that I once described this role as being similar to that of a teaching hospital, albeit in a different field. I’ve been thinking about this lately because we’re in the midst of recruiting and hiring a new regional reporter for our news team.
Staff members of the Bend Bulletin and Redmond Spokesman newspapers said low wages were one of the main reasons behind their union effort.
NPR has sued the Defense Department to get it to release files regarding possible civilian casualties during the 2019 raid in Syria that resulted in the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
A dozen journalists and freelancers were evacuated from the AP offices in the 12-story building before it crumbled to the ground. AP said the military has long known the building housed journalists.
For some of us living in places where the coronavirus pandemic hasn’t fully hit, it can still feel like it isn’t quite real. But in Seattle, residents…
One of the major complaints about the news business is with the stories it does NOT cover. Project Censored figured there was something better to do than…
The big fires of last year left some people with nothing. Nothing except a chance to rebuild life anew, and a story to tell about it. It is those stories…
Long and deep investigations make names and awards for newsrooms. But they don't make much money, so today's cash-poor journalism business tends to stay…
Journalists make people mad even when they do their jobs well. We've reached a moment in history when criticism of journalism is widespread, and income…
You don't have to tell any journalist that the world is changing. The days when they worked just for the next newscast or press run are long gone, thanks…
You don't have to write like a journalist to be successful in most careers. But it helps, actually. Being able to communicate thoughts in writing--briefly…
Journalist Paul Fattig distinguished himself as a solid reporter in a career that included stints at both The Daily Courier in Grants Pass and the Mail…
At least one journalism professor we know reports more people signing up for classes in the Donald Trump/Fake News age. And the business of journalism got…
Les Zaitz started working for the Oregonian when wire service printers still went clickety-clack all day and all night. He will finish his career with the…