More than 200 studies across 40 years revealed large-scale salmon hatchery programs weaken wild salmon diversity and lead to wild population declines.
Decades of data show that despite billions in taxpayer investment, salmon and steelhead hatchery programs and restoration projects in the Columbia River Basin have failed to support or boost native fish populations and in fact are contributing to their decline.
Urgently trying to help an endangered species devastated by drought, biologists hauled 40,000 eggs to the McCloud River this year, then brought the young fish back again to migrate. So far, it’s gone well.
About a million Chinook Salmon could be released at a smaller than normal size next year. That’s after a power outage at Cole Rivers fish hatchery in Jackson County means that there are no warm incubation tanks for the winter.
When disputes over timber and water arise, fish are often at the center of concern.They are sensitive to changes in streams and the forests that give…